Thursday, January 26, 2012

CH 15 & 16 AmJourney POW

Pg 456; 11-21
11. To compromise and draw a physical line between where slave states could and could not be

12. The Five Parts
                        -California was admitted as a free state
                        --New Mexico and Utah were without restrictions on slavery
--Texas, also unrestricted slave-state, had it’s boundaries set and got $10 million for land that would become New Mexico
                        --The slave trade (but not slavery) was abolished in Washington DC
--The Fugitive Slave Act was put into order; it enabled slave owners to call upon the federal government for help in capturing their escaped slaves

13. He split the issue into five parts and allowed the Congressmen to vote on the parts they wanted

14. He gained recognition after he challenged Douglas to debates and the like on slavery and other matters of the state. He made a name for himself by the speeches and political views he held.

15. Dred Scott was a black man who sued for freedom. He ultimately lost and because of the case and the wording of the case’s verdict, slavery was essentially back to square one and slaves were property regardless of boundaries. This was a large victory for the Southerners and meant a major step backward for those apposed to slavery.

16. The issue of slavery had become a dividing one and the Democratic party split and they elected two canadites for presidency Stephen Douglas and John Breckinridge. Moderates from the North and South chose John Bell of Tennesse. The Republican party chose Abraham Lincoln.

HELP17. He planned to leave slavery alone in the states where it was already established.

18. The balance was the only thing keeping the union together and fuctioning as a country.

19. They protested because the repeal would mean that where slave states could and could not be would be up in the air again, allowing for claims of slavery wherever a new state should arise.

1. Creation of the Republicans – a firmly anti-slavery party; put a President in office within 10 years ie very popular

            2. Creation of the Free Soil Party – created out of the Whig party due to a lack of resolution of the subject of slavery; put a lot of member of Congress in place quickly
            3. Democrats were divided on the subject of slavery and split and elected two canadits for President

21. The North’s anti-slavery sentiments allowed Lincoln to be put in office.

Pg ???; 5-18

5. 1861-1865

6. More experienced Military-wise population, strong support from South population, fighting in and for familiar territory ie homes and way of life

7. US= Abraham Lincoln; Confederate= Jefferson Davis

8. She began to deliver supplies and provide aid to the Union. She assisted surgeons with supplies and helped in the procedures battle-side for the entire war.

9. It would block the majority of Southern trade and thus create a lack of resources.

10. The Union won and the confederate army lost 7,000+ men

11. He would free all enslaved African Americans in the South.

12. They enlisted in the Union Army as Sailors and Soldiers; they also served as guides and spies because of their knowledge of the South

13. Farmland ended up in ruins; goods were blocked from the South by the Union; trade was cut by as much as 2/3

14. Grant’s terms were good, considering the situation; Lee’s soldiers had too lay down arms but were then free to go home; the soldiers got three days worth of food; they also kept their horses


16. The river allowed supply lines to be transported to troops and control any movement. So it was strategic to both North and South and when the North seized control it was a valuable asset.

17. The war needed men to fight, and African Americans were not considered as valuable as whites, they also have a reason to fight (ensuring they would continue to support the Union

18. He was very strategically minded and bold.

1 comment:

  1. Look over Gettysburg. It's a Union victory and forces Lee to abandoned his invasion of the North. How many men did the Confederates lose?
