Monday, January 9, 2012

Mexican-American War

Mexican-American War 
Create a poster with the following:

A) A Map with two major battles
     -Mexico City
     -Buena Vista

B) List of three important people involved

C) A paragraph about why the War was important and how it influenced future events
     -The Mexican-American War influenced the evolution of America greatly. The US almost doubled in size after acquiring California and the New Mexico territory. The New Mexico territory includes modern day New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and parts of Utah and Colorado. This is very influential in allowing the West to be settled by Americans. Before the mid-1800s, Americans had not spread past the East Coast. However, with the land securely in US hands, people were much more tempted to go out West and find their fortunes. 

D) Costs of lives and money
     -Lost $125 million for the war
     -Lost 1,721 men to battle
     -Lost 11,000+ men to disease

E) Photos/paintings of the War

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