Friday, January 6, 2012

Chapter 12; Sec. 1-4

1) What was Manifest Destiny?
       -The concept that Americans, whites mainly, had/have the god-given right and duty to explore and claim territory. This territory was already lived upon by natives, but that didn't stop anyone.

2) The Oregon Territory consisted of what area? Who claimed it?
      - The Oregon Territory consisted of modern-day Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Wyoming, Montana, and British Columbia.
      - Four countries were claiming and fighting over the territory, they were: the US, Spain, Russia, and Britain.

3) Who were the Mountain Men?
     -They were fur traders in the West (especially Oregon Territory) that hunted and sold many fur skins. The predominant animal caught was beaver.

4) Why was the Oregon Trail important?
     -It lead to the election of James K Polk
     -It lead Americans to want to claim Oregon without reserve

5) Discuss the meaning behind the slogan "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight"?
     -Fifty-four forty refers to the lattitude that Democrats believed should be the country's northern border of Oregon after aquisition by America. Britain did not agree with the position of the "line"
     -Fight refers to the willingness of Americans to fight Britain for the Fifty-four Forthy latitude line

6) James K. Polk made what promises to the American public during the election of 1844 (list four - you might need to look up on the internet).
    Not really a promise  -He would encourage and was in favor of the annexation of Texas for the US
     -The US either take or fight for the Oregon territory
     -Promised to acquire California from Mexico
     -To retire from office after 4 years
     -Lower the tariff to the federal government (lower taxes)

7) Discuss how Texas became independent.
     -Texans were mainly Americans already
     -Taxes were placed upon goods exported to America, this angered many because trade between Texas and America was prolific and profitable for both
     -Texans assembled an army then took San Antonio
     -many battles ensued

8) Discuss the battles of The Alamo and San Jacinto.
-The Alamo
                      -Had cannons but little gunpowder
                      -Only about 180 soldiers
                      -Well equipped
                      -Several thousand soldiers
               -The Battle
                      -The Texans were able to hold out for 12 days
                      -32 Men from the Mexican side joined the Texans
                      -March 6, 1836 Mexican cannon fire smashed the Alamo's walls
                      -Once the walls were smashed the superior force rampaged the Texans
-San Jacinto
               -Commander Sam Houston led his small army
               -He led a surprise attack on on the Mexican camp near Santa Anna
               -They captured 700 men and killed 600+ people
               -They also gained Santa Anna

9) How long did it take the U.S. to annex Texas? Why?
     -It took about 8 years for America to annex Texas; 1836-7 to acceptance at Dec 29, 1845
     -It took a long time for the US a long time to accept Texas as a state because Andrew Jackson and others thought the addition of another slave state would upset the balance of slave and free state

10) How did the Mexican-American War start? Why did it start? Was it a "Just War"?
     -It started by James K Polk, then president, provoking Mexico into war on purpose. Because of border disputes, Mexico was not paying Americans for losses in the Texas War for independence. Mexico then rejected the last of many offers form America to buy Cali. and new Mex. territory for $30 million. Polk then approached Congress and his cabinet; they decided to send an army to do it.
     -The war started for control of modern day California and a territory called New Mexico which included modern day New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and parts of Colorado and Utah.
     -The term Just War was/is used to describe the Mex-Am War because the Mexicans invaded territory claimed by Americans. Of course America didn't recognize that the Mexicans also had claims on the territory.

11) What was the American response to the war?
     -They were split between support and opposition on the war
     -Some called the war unfounded
     -Others thought that it was Manifest Destiny working

12) List the major battles of the war.
     -Battle for Monterrey
     -Battle for Mexico City
     -Battle for Buena Vista

13) What was the cost of the war?
     -Lost $125 million for the war
     -Lost 1,721 men to battle
     -Lost 11,000+ men to disease

14) Why was the California Gold Rush important?
     -It boosted the economy and made California prosperous and populous
     -It led some Mormons to Utah and religious freedom

15) Pg. 380 Questions
6. The two countries compromised and decided to set the boundary at 49 degrees North.

7. The inclusion of another slave-allowing state would upset the balance (#of states) between slave-holding and non slave-holding states.

8.It would make an ocean the border between America and some other nations instead of having a foreign power as a border. Having an ocean as a border is safer for obvious reasons.

9. The Mexicans refused to sell California and New Mexico to America. The US annexed Texas which Mexicans thought was illegal.

10.The gold miners had no other place to buy supplies like food and other essentials, so the merchants could charge however much they like.

13. The US almost doubled it's land holdings by adding Texas, California, and the New Mexico Territory. The border was changed to the ocean and cut off at the Rio Grande.

14. They were upset and thought it was a bunch of phooey

15. Britain and the US were able to come to a compromise. However, in the Mexico-American War case, America was interested in taking all of that much more so than expanding North. The Mexicans and Americans were unable to come to a compromise and thus war began.