Monday, January 16, 2012

DKMAH Civil War Questions; POW Trip

1. How had the U.S. changed in the 72 years from Washington to Lincoln?
2. WHo invented the cotton gin? How did the cotton gin change the country?
      -Eli Whitney
3. Discuss the differences between the North and South by 1860. Why was it two cultures with two ideologies?
4. What did the future President Grant say about the Mexican-American War?
5. How did the US start the Mexican-American War? What did Zachary Taylor do to start the war?
6. What did Henry David Thoreau protest the Mexican-American War? How did this protest change the world?
7. Who was Frederick Douglas? Why was he important?
8. What was the Underground Railroad? Were did it run?
9. Who was Harriet Tubman? Why is she important?
10. What was the Compromise of 1850? What bills came out of it?
11. Why was Uncle Tom's Cabin important?
12. What were Lincoln'd words to Stowe about the book?
13. What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
14. Why was Kansas bloody?
15. What did John Brown do in Kansas?
16. What was the Dred Scott case? What was the outcome?
17. How did John Brown have a sense of humor?
18. What was John Brown's plan when he attacked Harper's Ferry?

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