Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Letter From J Burgoyne to F Baum

1.    1.  This letter was written 8/14/1777. The purpose behind this letter was to instruct Baum how to proceed with his troops.
2.     2.Burgoyne was looking for a way to get some sort of large force, most likely his own, to get closer to Baum or to get away from the position they held at that moment. The roads must have been not so fabulous if Johnny had to ask about their condition.
3.    3. The objective at Bennington is to capture the fort and secure a victory. If that is not possible, then Baum is to hold his position and await further instruction.
4.     4.He could be running low on supplies. This indicates that they are not located very close to civilization and are on a campaign of sorts, otherwise towns and cities could supply them. Or they are in hostile territory and cannot request help from anyone else.
5.     5.I imagine the savages are Native Americans and they are antsy after being used so much during the French and Indian war. Now the Natives want constant proof they will get what they are owed.
6.    6. The American position is strong, but Baum and Burgoyne believe they could take it together.

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