Wednesday, October 26, 2011

American Journey Ch 5 Sec 3 Compiled Notes

1768- British soldiers are sent to Boston to quell any rising rebellion
March 5, 1770 - Boston Massacre; colonists vs Brits in a riot; 5 men dead; colonists used 5 men dead for anti-British propaganda; lead to stronger boycotts
1772 - Committee of Correspondence is revived; smear campaign on British
December 16, 1773 Boston Tea Party - Sons of Liberty disguise themselves and throw 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor
1774 Tea Act - created to ensure the East India Trading Co.'s survival; enabled them to ship tea to colonies w/out paying taxes
1774 Coercive Acts - made to puninsh Colonists; closed Boston Harbor; essentially shut down harbor
1774 Quebec Acts - granted self government to Quebec; allowed religious freedom for French Catholics
Intolerable Acts - all of the above

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