Monday, October 3, 2011

Pt 2 French & Indian War

PT 2
At 1st Baddock campaign GW thought signed up for
George W thought the command was bad, shape of the troops bad
GW believed that strict discipline would help Virginia troops
            2 disserts were hanged under his order
            Used British as examples for molding Colonial troops
New England did not like Brits military
            Terms of enlistment were serious
            No serving unless under personal colonial commander NO BRIT OFFICER
Laughten took over for Braddock expecting to be followed to a T
Loius de Tomount- French commander Officer
            Went to Natives to greet was not impressed
            Believed they were savages
Pawnee took lady captive
            they called her Dakwamus
            welcomed her as a new sister
Braddock orders all French speaking Arcadians outta British territories (Nova Scotia), forced to go to Colonies or swear allegiance to Britain
Chief Big Business  = Johnson; British
Mercomp believes Natives to be savages in their tactics and
Mercomp attacks Lake George w/ 2000 Natives men 6000 French troops
            Brits spot them w// canoes & mortar & cannons
            They are surrounded by 3 French camps
            Gives Brits a chance to surrender
                        They do not
            500 men dig trenches round clock for 3 days to Lake George & Brits
            native kills messenger from Lk George to other Brit for help
                        French find letter, gives them upper hand
            Monroe is Brit commander
            British surrender
            To avoid Natives capturing people Mercom escorts the English from fort
            Natives are feeling beytrayed by Mercom’s actions
They come and loot the Monroe/Brits possessions with they think they are due
            Natives decide they might have to abandon French

PT 2 Q’s
1) How did captive taking hurt or help Indians in the French and Indian War?
            It helped boost their numbers, however, in the end it showed them the French’s true nature. France attempted to deny them a part of their rightful share.

2) Why were the Acadians removed from Nova Scotia by the British?
             They were French speaking and the British wanted to secure their loyalty or have them moved out of a rather wild and very French territory.

3) How did lack of cultural understanding increase tensions between allies and shape the progress of the French and Indian War?
            The French found the morals and customs of the Natives to be different than their own. Of course they considered their own to be superior. The Indians believed the French to be almost stupid and incomprehensible in their dealings. Their honor was not based on the same principals as the French.

4) Compare Johnson and Montcalm’s attitudes towards the Natives.
            Johnson must use the Natives and therefore is much more tolerant and respectful to them. He recruits a few, 100 or so, Mohawks, not super influential. Montcalm doesn’t believe they have morals, they are essentially savages, their warfare isn’t on par with Europeans. Natives “massacre” Brits from Lake George Fort for their goods, as they think they have a right to. Montcalm believes this breaks his honor, as he promised the Brits safe passage.

5) List all the important people in Part II and what they do.
-Montcalm – French commander
-Braddock – British commander
-George Washinton – young officer in the British army; -Virginian colonist
- Loius de Tomount – French officer sent to negotiate with the Natives

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