Tuesday, September 27, 2011

PT 1 French & Indian War

Pt. 1
1)What was the significance of the Forks of the Ohio to each of the competing groups?
            Both groups territory are creeping closer and closer to the Forks of the Ohio River. Whoever gets this piece of land will be in an excellent position of trade.

2)Why would the British be concerned by the French forts west of the Appalachian Mountains?
            The British were slowly being closed in by the French. They had no room to expand their land or colonies if the French were shutting them in.

3)Which Indians had claims to land at the Forks of the Ohio?
            A small fraction of the Iroqouis League were in control. The area’s natives were lead by the Half King.

4) List important individuals in this segment.
            George Washington, the Half King, Numinville, Edward Braddock

5) What qualities did George Washington display as a young military leader? Which of these helped him succeed in his military career?
            He was eager, persistant, believed in disclipline, and had status in Virginia. The strictly disciplined training later helped the untrained civilian soldiers. 

1st world war
in Britain 7 years war
France and Britain have been enemies for a while
George Washington sparked the war
He goes on a diplomatic mission to tell French they cannot build a Fort in the Pitsburg area. His Native American allies ended up killing a French Captain, this gave the British the excuse to start war

How war starts?
Spring 1752
            Colonists from Virginia are coming to Ohio Country to bargn for land
            French & British both want Fork of Ohio River – present day Pittsburg
            Natives don’t want to sell, except possibly now The Half King
            Most of region Natives prefer French
            Half King wants Brit for allies for trading
Half King’s people driven out of home – 3000 or so now Conneticut River is home
Not the most powerful ruled by Iroqouis league
If he trades /deals w/ Brits he declares his independence
            Native rely on Euros for survival
            Wampum must be passed in ceremonial right before stuff
            Virginia envoys must win In over, kiss ass like no other
                        They get Half King’s support
                                    They will build a fort in the coming spring @ Forks in River
            Two Empires Fren & Brit encroaching on Connecticut River
            French have Brits almost bottled in
                        Worried about the spread of Britain
1753 – Washington journies to the north in the beginning of Winter
            French tell him No way will they leave the Forks of Virginia
French troops take the Fort @ Forks
                        Half King appears weak so he must get revenge
Half King agrees to be Washington’s ally to turn Brits & French against each other
1754 - Washington 22 in French & Indian, a young Major
            Accidentaly kills a French envoy of PEACE
The Half King a leader of natives – he leads them to plunder the wounded French. Numinville is one killed
            Kills French wounded for revenge
Half King leaves Washington because he believes Washinton is to Naieve
4th July French and Native Allies attack Fort Neccesity, temp fort
            Wash. Tries to fight European style FAIL
            Large rain makes Wash. FAIL
French General makes treaty           
            Numinville brother is translator for Wash.
Conviction of assasination of Numinville diplomat is in document
            Half King assasinated within months because of his FAIL in choice
The natives are scared of how enroaching Brtis & French are
1755 - French & Brits set out w/ troops, by spring
Edward Braddok commander of troops
            Sets off to attack Ft. Ducain
                        Doesn’t get there

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