Monday, September 19, 2011

Pg 126 8-17

Pg 126 8-17

8.  Promised religious freedom in some states or individualized religions for each colony. Oftentimes lands for newcomers.

9. Tidewater planters had large plantations and lots of slaves usually. Located next to a river usually. They grew rice primarily and other crops that grow well in tropical type weather. The back country farmers were mainly family sized farms with a few slaves. They grew plums, indigo, and other crops.

10. A powerful religious revival that swept through the colonies. It began in the 1720’s

11.  The main group was the Quakers. However, there were large populations of Germans.

12.  The middle colonies had a more fertile type of soil than the northern colonies. This meant that the northern colonies couldn’t rely on agriculture and ended up with a thriving trading economy.

13.  The Iroquois Confederacy was a league of different Native tribes joined together to form an alliance that ensured their power and dominance in trade, politics, and warfare.

14.  The reason Britain created the Navigation Acts was to ensure only Britain benefitted from trade with the colonies.

15. A movement that spread the idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society. This eventually influenced the constitution.

16.   The French were forced to give Canada and most of its lands east of Mississippi to Great Britain. Marked end of French power in North America.

17.    In the proclamation King George III declared that the Appalachian Mountains were the temporary western boundary for the colonies. This made many people angry ie land owners.

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