Monday, October 24, 2011

American Journey Pg 135; 1-5

1.     The writs of assistance attempted to stop any goods, and therefore revenue, from not taxed.
a.     Effigies in conjunction with boycotts and no importation petitions were used to protest the British government’s new taxes. The colonists tried to use a resolution to force Parliament to repeal the new Acts.
2.     1.Taxes upon them, without their agreement
2.The colonists were not allowed to spread west
3.     The colonists believed that their systems of government were being put into question and Britain was not upholding their bargain to let them govern themselves.
4.     There was a huge war debt and to try and pay for the war, the British began to tax the colonists. This challenged the independent spirit that had been growing in America and the idea of a colonial government.
5.     1.Sugar Act ~ Believed their rights as Englishmen were being violates
2.Stamp Act ~Colonists agreed by direct interference by parliament, and without consent
3.Townshend Act -> Imported goods were taxed, still cause colonist anger because the “fire” had been started

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