Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Constitution Qs

1) What are the three branches of government and what are the powers of each?
      -The Executive Branch
             -Carry out nation's laws and policies
             -Power to veto laws by Congress
             -Ability to Pardon someone
      -The Judicial Branch
             -Supreme Court
      - The Legislative Branch
                  -House of Representatives
             -Makes laws
             -Declare War
             -Collect taxes
            -Control of Money
            -Raise armies

2) How can these branches check and balance each other?
        -Executive Branch
             - to Judicial Branch: appoint judges
             -to Legislative Branch: can veto laws
        -Judicial Branch
             -to Executive Branch: can declare acts of the president unconstitutional ie illegal
             -to Legislative Branch: can declare Congress unconstitutional
       -Legislative Branch
             -to Judicial Branch: can impeach judges, can reject appointment of judges
             -to Executive Branch: can override veto, can impeach president, can refuse to approve treaties

3) What were the compromises to the constitution?
        -the addition of a president's office
        -no mention of  "slavery" and uses euphemisms to make it legal 
               -optional elimination by Congress in 20 years after it is ratified
       -Congress gets two parts
                   -Senate: 2 people elected no matter the population
                   -House of Representative: amount of representatives based on population

4) Who wrote the Federalist papers?
         -John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, & James Madison

5) What was the Bill of Rights? Why did some states demand its inclusion before they ratified the constitution?
         -THe Bill of Rights are certain freedoms and rights that are put down and illegal to with-hold
                  -Example: freedom of religion, freedom of press
         -Some states were worried the new federal government would abuse their powers

6) What were the anti-federalists main fears about the constitution?
      -That the constitution would take away the freedom that America had just won form Britain
      -It would ignore the weaker states, the people, and the not wealthy
     -A small group of people would lead the government, instead of the people

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