Friday, December 2, 2011

DKMAH Constitution Qs

1) Discuss the significance of Thomas Jefferson's quote: "A little rebellion now and then is a good thing...God forbid that we should ever be twenty year without such a rebellion...The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
            -It indicates that without suffering causing questioning/ rebellion nothing could be accomplished. Jefferson supported and identified with the people who wanted to change some laws they thought wrong.

2) Why did Shay's Rebellion happen?
            -Massachusetts passed a state constitution that barred middle-class and poor people (veterans of the Continental Army, farmers, servants) from voting or holding office
            -Many wondered why they had fought if tyranny were to rule again

3) The constitution is "a political creation, hammered together in a series of artfully negotiated compromises. Discuss these compromises.
            -There were three hotly debated topics that are usually considered the main compromises of the constitution
                        1. The position of President/Executive Branch
-This was between the federalists who wanted a strong central government & the anti-federalists who wanted a strong state government
                        2. Slavery
-It was allowed with the insistence of the Southern colonies based on their economies, and slavery couldn’t be presented in a negative way
3. Congress would have two main parts, the House of Representatives and the Senate
                                    -This compromise was based on the argument revolving around population
                                    -It was decided that the House of Reps would be based on the number of people in the state and the Senate positions would be two per state regardless of population

4) What was the Virginia Plan?
            -A plan for the structure of the new government for America
                        -Key pts were
                                    -2 part legislature
                                    -an executive chosen by the legislature
                                    -and a judiciary chosen by the legislature

5) "No person held in service" was a euphemism for what?

6) List the basic Powers and Checks of the three branches of the government.
    -Executive Branch
             - to Judicial Branch: appoint judges
             -to Legislative Branch: can veto laws
     -Judicial Branch
             -to Executive Branch: can declare acts of the president unconstitutional ie illegal
             -to Legislative Branch: can declare Congress unconstitutional
     -Legislative Branch
             -to Judicial Branch: can impeach judges, can reject appointment of judges
             -to Executive Branch: can override veto, can impeach president, can refuse to approve treaties

7) Who wrote the Federalist Papers and why did they write them?
            -John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, & James Madison were the writers
            -They were a series of essays that attempted to convince the public that a strong federal government was the right choice and influence people involved in the ratification of the

8) Briefly outline the first ten amendments.
1. 1st Amendment – separation of church and state, freedom to worship, freedom of speech and press, right to assemble and petition for changes
            2. 2nd Amendment – right to bear arms
3. 3rd Amendment – soldiers cannot be housed in a private home without consent from owner
4. 4th Amendment – right to be free from unreasonable seizure and search
5. 5th Amendment – laws about prosecuting including jury rights/duties
6. 6th Amendment – right to a speedy public trial in district where crime was committed
7. 7th Amendment – guarantees trial by jury
8. 8th Amendment – Prohibits cruel and unusual punishment
9. 9th Amendment – defines the rule of the construction of the Constitution
10. 10th Amendment – guarantees any powers not specifically delegated to federal gov. or to the states rests w/ the people and states(depending on situation)

9) Who could write in, in the first election (what parts of the population)?
            -Mainly white, land-owning men
            -Many states however made their own laws regarding the voting rules

10) How did Washington D.C. come be located on the banks of the Potomac?
            -James Madison and Thomas Jefferson would agree (and sway the Southern States) to Hamilton’s plan to get America out of debt, if he would allow the new capital of the country to be in a Southern State
                        -Hamilton’s plan = 2 parts
                                    -1st Part – federal government would assume state debt and recommending all government be given securities at par w/ old despite the true depreciated values
                                    -2nd part – the creation of the Bank of America, a bank owned 20% by government & 80% by private holders

11) What did Jay's Treaty do?
            -it had British withdraw soldiers from last outposts in US
            -however, some viewed it as being too pro-British

12) What was the "Whiskey Rebellion" and how was it put down?
            -Backwoods farmers on the frontier of Western Pennsylvania protested against the heavy taxes on whiskey
            -It was easily squashed when then President Washington rode out w/ 13,000 men to apprehend and stop the men rebelling

13) Describe the election of 1800? How was it finally resolved?
            -Two (I use this term loosely) “republicans”/ & anti-federalists, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in votes
            -The House of Reps, still under Federalist control, would decide who became President
            -It was resolved when Jefferson personally, and rather sneakily, assured the (mainly Federalist) Representatives that he would uphold many of the pro-Fed ideas, laws, and recommendations

14) Who was John Marshall?
            -Adam’s Secretary of State
            -the US Supreme Court Chief Justice starting at 1801
            -1st to test out the right to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional and void

15) Why did France sell its North America possessions (the Louisiana territory) to the U.S.?
            -They were essentially short on money
            -They (France) were under Napoleon Bonaparte’s control and he was warring w/ other European countries but still wanted a piece of the New World
                        -He attempted to start a process that would lead to French power in the New World, but disease prevented that
                        -Instead of trying for the impossible, he decided money would be more beneficial to his empire

16) What did Lewis and Clark do? Describe their journey?
            -They were sent by Jefferson to accomplish a number of things: extend commerce (trade w/ Natives), get America into the fur trade, feel out political and military uses of the West, and collect scientific info about the land
            -1st ½ of the journey: Lewis & Clark set out in the winter of 1803 and traveled Northward up rivers in boats, next they traveled Westward until they reached the Rockies in present day Montana where they wintered, finally they crossed with the famous Sacagawea and reached the Oregon coast.
            -2nd ½ of the journey: they turn around on the coast of modern day Oregon and began their journey home over land, they crossed the Rockies and split up to explore alternative routes, then they met up again and ended their journey back in St. Louis on Sep 23, 1806

17) How did Hamilton incur the wrath of Aaron Burr? Was he right in what he did? How did the ordeal end?
            -Hamilton used his influence to become Governor of New York, defeating and angering Aaron Burr
            -I do think his actions were not out of the bounds of propriety. Anything goes when you want something, and he didn’t specifically cheat by talking to people. It would be different if he had rigged the polls. This was just a bit of political maneuvering.
            -The ordeal ended w/ Burr challenging Hamilton to a duel; during which Burr shot and fatally wounded Hamilton

18) What was Jefferson's Embargo Act? Why was it unpopular and what was it supposed to do?
            -1807 - The Embargo Act prohibited all exports into America
            -The intentions of Jefferson were to halt any economic benefit for Britain, as a result of impressments of soldiers aboard ships the British were trying to get more people in their military. Jefferson wanted to keep America out of the European Wars that were going on
            -It’s lack of popularity stemmed from the economic problems that arose from it. I.E. merchants couldn’t trade for goods directly, US couldn’t receive exotic goods such as spices & silk, rum was scarce

19) What did Tecumseh try and do?
            -He attempted to create a barrier on the Ohio River so that the US (and white culture in general) would stay East of the Ohio and no further expansion would occur
            -He used religious fervor and the fear of US expansion to encourage many warriors to join

20) Describe the Battle of Tippecanoe?
            -General William Harrison’s men who were sent to watch Native movement to ensure no trouble
            -Tenskwata, Tecumseh’s brother, led an attack on Henry’s men
            -It was not successful and although he Natives inflicted heavy damage, Harrison destroyed food stores, their village, and Tenskwata’s claim of magical protection
            -This battle ended that major Native rebellion/retaliation

21) Most historians call the War of 1812 a draw. Why?
            -America did not have experienced Generals and war leaders in charge of the military and therefore wasn’t that effective
            -England wasn’t particularly interested in another war, as they had just gotten done w/ the Revolution and were fighting a war w/ Napoleon and other Euro countries
                        -Also, they saw America as a very valuable potential trading partner

22) Describe the Battle of New Orleans.
            -Americans & British alike were unaware that peace had been made, British then attacked Americans with a much larger and superior force. However, w/ General Andrew Jackson in charge and some French help, artillery and sharpshooting are used to repulse the Brits, who receive massive losses of over 2000 dead. Americans loose less than 10 dead and some wounded

23) What did the Monroe Doctrine state?
            -That the US would not tolerate intervention in American affairs from Europe, and we would not meddle in European affairs
            -It was a declaration of a hope/era for increased isolation for America
            -It marked the beginning of us meddling in South American affairs, something that has continued to this day

24) What was the Missouri Compromise?
            -Missouri would be admitted as a slave state, but slavery wouldn’t be allowed anywhere north of Missouri’s southern border
            -1st Step towards civil war
            -Southerners were scared that they would loose power as the country was expanding in the North

25) How was the election of 1824 decided? Why was it called a "corrupt bargain"?
            -the election was once again left to the House to decide, Clay held a LOT of sway w/ the House
            -one candidate, Henry Clay of Kentucky decided to support John Quincy Adams as President, in return Adams elected Clay to be Secretary of State once he won from the House vote. This sort of bargain circumvented the voting which was not right in the eyes of the people

26) List some of the labels attached to Andrew Jackson.
            -Horseracing man
            -Indian fighter
            -War hero

27) Was Andrew Jackson an Indian hater? What did the natives call him? What "Indian Wars" did he fight in and what was the outcome? What was his native "policy" as President?
            -No, Jackson was not an Indian hater, he saw what he wanted (usually land) and took it for himself. Greedy, yes, specific hate for Indians, no. If his reputation says anything, it shows that he would have destroyed whatever was in his way, and this time, Natives were being a hindrance.
            -Natives called him Long Knife
            -He fought in the Creek War of 1814 (result: took land away from the Creek natives by using Cherokee against them), in 1819 an illegal mini-war in Florida (result: killed lots of Natives and destroyed many Spanish forts, thus forcing Spanish to sell Florida to America in the US’s favor)
            -His policy instructed America that they would remove Natives from their current lands and place them elsewhere. Resisting was not an option, or else destruction.

28) How did Jackson come to symbolize the common people?
            -His presidency, opinions, and political party were all mainly in line with the wishes of middle-class people
            -He was suspicious of the upper classes, freedom of economic opportunity, ability to rise above your station by hard work, wanted increased area for people to work to gain wealth (accomplished by making Natives move)

1 comment:

  1. For the most part, good detailed answers. Look over and extend questions 2 and 21.
