Friday, November 18, 2011

Things to Know for Revo. War

1763 - The Proclamation Act of 1763
   -Couldn't move west of the Appalation
1764- Sugar Act
 -lowered tax on molasses
1765 - Stamp Act
     -tax all paper goods
1767 - Townshend Act
    -Tax only imported goods
1770 - Boston Massacre
    -Soldiers sent to enforce acts, got in a fight w/ angry citizens
1773 - Tea Act
    -taxed import of tea
1773- Boston Tea Party
   -men dressed up as natives and threw chests of tea over the side of a boat
1774 - Intolerable Acts , Made to punish
     -Boston Port Act - Shut down Boston harbor
     -Mass. Government Act - Revoked Mass. charter
     -Admin of Justice - bypass american courts, soldiers go to Brits court, americans can be sent to Brit to be tried
     -Quartering Act - soldiers must be by allowed to stay in home
     -Quebec Act - allowed French Q people to move near forks of Ohio

1st Continental Congress - Made the Articles of Confederation
2nd Continental Congress - Made the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, & Declaration of Independence

April 1775 - Lexington and Concord (see important battles listed on Friday)

Sam Adams - boston tea party, started sons of liberty
John Adams - Contradiction, a working man (owned a farm, but worked it), middle class, layed out the 4 pts. of the Treaty of Paris, against slavery, pushed for 2nd constitution
Thomas Jefferson -wrote the Declaration of I, wanted individ. states
Thomas Paine - wrote Common Sense & The American Crisis
Patrick Henry- wanted individual state rights, promoted Bill of Rights
John Hancock - wealthy merchant, funds many of the continental congress's activities, not particularly smart
Ben Franklin - french love him w/ out him F wouldn't be on their side, helped review Declatration, came from nothing
George Washington - main General, strategist, popular
Nathaniel Green - American lawyer, commander of continental forces in south replacing Gates
Daniel Morgan - leader of Virginia Militia
Benedict Arnold - was GW right-hand man until traitor to Brits, brilliant commander, colonies needed him in beginning
Alexander Hamilton - from nothing, GW right-hand man, smart, writing, major pt of both constitution
Jamers Otis - coined the phrase "No taxation without representation", spent most of the Revo. time in an insane asylum
Johnny Burgoyne - British General, a dandy (loves fine clothes, music, & lavish meals), spreads himself to thin to meet Howe to seperate New England from the rest of America
General Howe -British General, trued to take Philadelphia
Horatio Gates - American Gen, fought w/ Arnold @Saratoga, commander of forces in South

Battles you should know: Bold=3 most important
Lexington and Concord
Bunker Hill
Long Island - Continental army was outnumbered, LOST, Nathan Haile =teacher spied on Brits, got caught hanged, "I only reget I have but one life to give for my country"
Trenton - GW surprised the Brits on Xmas on Delaware river and WIN
Princeton - GW surprised @Princeton and WIN
Brandywine - 
Monmouth - 
Charlestown - 
Saratoga - 1777
Camden - troops under H Gates go to face Gneral Cornwallis, in South Carolina, Americans loose, but Brits find out they can't control the area
Kings Mountain - 1780 Brits go to N Carolina, defend a ft., get attacked by American sharp shooters, Brits were forced to retreat
Cowpins - JAN 1781
Guilford Courthouse

Why was James Otis important?
   -Gave an excuse for Colonies to rally behind
What was Samuel Adams known for?
    -Liberty Men, rebelling in Boston Massacre
Describe the Patriotic Leaders.
9) What percent of the population, according to John Adams, wanted liberty?
10) Discuss how the events of the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party lead to the Revolutionary War.

1) What was the 1st constitution? What powers did it give the government?
 -Articles of Confederation, could raise an army (couldn't tax)

2) What was the paradox of the war (at least from Britain's point of view)?
If the British had won, they would have gotten a petulant and hard to control country. The resources they gained were not large enough to make winning necessary. If they lost, all the British lost was a rowdy country and they got a dent in their pride. 

     Once war was over, the British gained a very large and profitable trading partner.

1) What was the 1st constitution? What powers did it give the government?-It was called the Articles of Confederation.
-It was a collaboration between all thirteen colonies to create unified friendship. -Most ratified the Articles  in the first year or two, minus South Carolina who held out. -It gave the government power to raise an army, but NOT collect taxes. This is a major WTF point because how is a government supposed to support an army w/out money? -The States were not supposed to have armies or foreign relations. ------However, the States had standing militias AND foreign relations. All the states would break the rules set down, but Congress did not have the power punish them.

2) What was the paradox of the war (at least from Britain's point of view)?
-The British had just fought a war (F&I) for themselves, but mainly for the colonies----------But the colonies were protesting the same taxes that other people (in Britain) had to pay-Paradox= The British win and they receive a country that is hard to control and a drain on resources. Loose, they only hurt their pride and loose a troublesome country

3) What was Washington's main strength as a commander? Why did he win the war?
-Strategist-Ideal commander because he realized how to win the war: he must only hold out and keep his army alive (not get annihilated) to win against the British.

4) What were the four points of the Peace of Paris - as laid out by John Adams?
-Outright independence for the U.S.A, withdrawal of all British troops-Canada to remain British and a definitive boundary to be drawn-Agreement on the boundaries of all Thirteen States-Freedom for fishing off Newfoundland (the 1st international fisheries agreement)

5) Why did slavery increase during the revolution? 
-No mention of freedom was made in the Declaration

6) Who were the big losers of the war (name three)? List what they lost and explain why they are the biggest losers.
    -Lost $ helping colonists
           -Now in great debt/ Debt&Bankers credit ruined
    -Inspired the French Revolution
           -Ultimately failed
    -Aristocrats who gave money lost money
    -Sir William Johnson, Native/British agent, died and essentially brought an end to the alliance
    -They sided w/ the British so they lost
    -Britain abandoned them (were not mentioned in the Treaty of Paris)
   -Sided w/ losing team
           -Lost houses, estates
   -Lacked leaders

7) What happened to the Loyalists in America after the war?
  -Went to Canada or Britain
  -Kept quiet on their views and afterwards led quiet lives, for the most part

8) What were the most important battles of the war? Why do you think they are the most important? (Note battles is plural).
     -Battle that essentially ended the war
     -Victory for Americans
     -Major naval help from France
    -British victory
    -Both sides lost generals; Howe from British, Montgomery from American
  -Lexington & Concord
     -American Victory
     -1st battle of war
     -Showed the British the colonist were willing to fight
  -Bunker Hill
     -British victory
  -Fort Ticonderoga
     -British victory
     -America had got the Ft. a year or so ago, lost it, and were attempting to get it back
    -American victory
    -Major turning point in war

List at least five reasons why the Americans won.
  -Had George Washington as  a leader
    -understood how to win war
  -Fighting for their home and land
    -more value
  -Most British did not care and thus sentiment back home was not in line with winning the war
  -Britain had to send supplies and men across the ocean, while Americans did not
  -American's received a lot of French Aid
    -partially due to B. Franklin, whom the French loved
Why did the British strategy for the war make little sense?

-Little unity or communication among plans
-They captured Philadelphia in hopes in would crush the spirit of Americans
   -Did not realize that all the different states were not as unified as expected
 -Lord George Germaine, who had no military gifts, was put in charge of the war

How did the British fail to win the war in 1776? Who was the General in charge?
  -They allowed George W. & the continental army to escape through Manhattan and retreat into New Jersey
  -General Howe was in charge of the British, General Washington the Americans

Why did the British strategy for the war make little sense?
They came in with little strategy, thinking it would be over quickly because of their superior forces, equipment, and numbers. Once they came up w/ the strategy to separate New England (where most of the troops where) from Middle & South Colonies. Howe & Burgoyne are to meet and separate, neither meet like planned. Burgoyne spreads himself too thin to be an effective force & Howe decides to capture Philadelphia (a symbolic capital, but it has no real strategic value) instead.

How did the British fail to win the war in 1776? Who was the General in charge?
      General Howe could have eliminated Washington's Continental Army, but allowed the to escape.

"America was already developing the notion that all were entitled to the best if they worked hard enough, that aiming high was not only morally acceptable but admirable." Discuss the importance of this statement. 
   -Reinforcing the idea that anyone can rise to be anything
  - This was not practiced in any other country in the world
  -Fit this idea: Alexander Hamilton & Benjamin Franklin
     -Both poor and rose to importance

Who were the two most important people involved with the push towards a new constitution? 
  -Alexander Hamilton
  -James Madison
  -Both wanted a strong central government, worried about debt from war
     -Them + John Jay published the Federalist Papers

Give examples of how the Articles of Confederation failed.
  -Could raise an army
     -States couldn't, but they had militias
     -Right to bear arms comes from this
  -Did not give power to Congress
    -ie could not punish below lawbreakers
  -Could not tax states or people
  -Individual States broke it all the time
     -Made treaties w/ foreign countries; illegal
    -Taxed each others imports

In your option why would some people prefer State rights over a strong Central government. What are the arguments for both sides?
 -Difference in states economy, people, culture
    -One rule not apply to all because of diff. situations
  -Scared of a too-controlling government
      -More chance of this if STRONG central government
  -Civil Wars would be more prevalent
  -The states would become to disconnected to be effective as a country

What is a nomiocracy? How do you feel about this term connected with the U.S. government?
-Rule by lawyers
         -ie compromise (guilty of murder, will let you off w/ 20 years instead of 30 if you admit      to it)
  -A lot of gentlemen were lawyers
   -Connection: accurate today

What were the three compromises on the Constitution? Which one of these seems the strangest to you?
-1. Slavery
      -Gave power to Congress the option (in 20 yrs or so) to eliminate slavery
       -Slavery was not to be admonished to officially looked down upon
       -Madison's 3/5 rule
         -Every 5 slaves counted for 3 people
       -The word slave and slavery were avoided in Constitution
  -2.Congress gets 2 parts
     -This is to appease the population argument
     -House of representatives
        -Money, bills, foreign policy
        -Chosen by the voting population
  -3. Creating the office of President
      -Madison & Hamilton (especially) advocated for Presidency for strong central government
     -Washington got the office
          -Popular & symbol of America at time (still is)

20) What is the irony about the President vs. a King as example by Johnson?
-The Presidency could be made stronger 
      -The only official elected to supreme power in world (except Czar)
      -Elected by the people = give them right to rule
     -Outline for President set up by Hamilton
         -The power & practices

Hamilton- elitist, not against monarchy, advocated for strong central government (because lower class people are stupider and would make stupid decisions for country)
Henry - advocate for Bill of Rights

You will also need to know the French and Indian War. And essential questions on Benedict Arnold, Ticonderoga and Saratoga.

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