Friday, August 26, 2011

Pg. 73 & Pg. 80 Questions

Pg 73 1-6
1.     Often times when people started to seek new land, they would go to their King or Queen and request a charter so they could build a community. They would occasionally get funding from a joint-stock company. Once other communities got settled near one another, they would select burgesses to represent them in meetings between the little towns.
2.     They expected to receive profit from gold and silver immediately. However, they found settling the land was much harder than expected, the living hard. They did end up getting some money back from tobacco, which became a popular crop.
3.     Farming tobacco created a money influx and economy.
4.     It would expand England’s territory and they could potentially grow more powerful, depending on the resources in America.
5.     Growth of Jamestown
a.     Individual plot ownership
b.     Separation form the Virginia Company
6.     30% were children.

Pg 80 1-6
1.     Persecution always causes dissent among people; no one wants to be hated. The Puritans were no exception to this; they became separatists when persecuted by the King of England. The movement for religious purposes made the Puritans pilgrims. They remained loyal to England, despite the lack of toleration, and wrote a contract called the Mayflower Compact. This contract expressed their loyalty to England and set rules and regulations for their settlement.
2.     They wanted to reform a church, but found it difficult. They was much religious difficulty in England at the time.
3.     Rhode Island offered religious freedom to all, also the government was not mixed together with religion as much as other colonies.
4.     Both were plans on how to run their colonies, both important to the future government of America.
5.     Interacting w/ Native Americans
a.     Increased trade
b.     War
c.      Destruction of the power of Native Americans in New England
6.     Furs, Timber, Rum, and possibly fish

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