Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pg 634; 7-19

7. They did favors for people; providing jobs, dinners, boat rides, all sorts of stuff

8. They wrote about injustice and corruption. They brought people and situations to the light of the public.

9. The Seventeenth Amendment - direct voting for Senators

10. The Nineteenth Amendment -women can vote

11. Settling a problem by the judgment of a non-biased outsider

12. With Roosevelt disappointed with Taft after he let him have the presidency, he challenged Taft and then  formed a new party. They formed the Progressive Party because they had a break in ideas with the Republican Party. The Progressives wanted a lot more government regulation on businesses and trusts to keep them safe, fair, and equal for poor and rich. They also wanted to lower the tariffs and create an income tax to balance the loss. They figured trade would increase if trade goods were not taxed as heavily.

13. To regulate and control banking activities. Banks all over had to join the FRS and abide by the rules.
14. Unequal treatment because of race, religion, ethnic background, or place of birth.

15. He thought Native policies and reservations were hurting the Natives. He wanted them to get out and make their own way in society.

16. To deal with the hardships and inequality of conditions of Mexican-American Life. They were self-help groups that tried to deal with overcrowding, poor sanitation, and inadequate public services.

17. The Seventeenth Amendment gave people the right to vote for their personal choice of Senator. Before they had to rely on others they had chosen to pick a Senator. Now they could directly influence the choice, instead of hoping for the best.

18. When the railroads were created they were owned mainly by greedy, powerful men. These men could charge as much as they wanted for people or cargo to ride aboard the trains. The trains also were not always very safe as regulations didn't really exist and what little did were not enforced. Then the men banned together to create larger railways and would change the price of the ride from one stop to the next. So the government implemented the Interstate Commerce Act and the Interstate Commerce Commission.
       ~19th Amendement: Gives women the right to vote, providing sexual justice and equality
       ~Initiative: It allowed people to create an issue or make an issue have to be publicly voted upon,  creating a way for the people to make public and votable an issue.
       ~Referendum: It allowed people to accept or deny measures that the state legislature enacted. This creates a system where the people can refute the government on an issue if they don't think it is right or just.
       ~Recall: Enabled the voters/people to fire unsatisfactory elected officials from their job. This could provide justice if the person in power were to turn corrupt or start going against what the people want.

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