Thursday, May 3, 2012

pg. 782 4-13

4. How did Britain and France try and prevent war w/ Germany?
  • They allowed Hitler to rampage all over Europe in hopes he would stop or be at least a bit content.
  • They also handed over Sudetenland to Germany.
5. When did Japan attack Pearl harbor?
  • December 7, 1941
6. What did the government do to ensure that industries produced enough war materials?
  • They created jobs by the need of war supplies (uniforms, tanks, anything)
  • The US propogated the 'Unity' needed for the war
  • Helped the US out of the depression
7. What was Operation Overlord?
  • Soviets invade from the east, other Allies attack Germany from the west
  • June 6, 1944; D-Day, Landing on Normandy
8. Who succeeded Franklin Roosevelt as president?
  • Harry S Truman
9. What actions by the Japanese convinced the US to use the atomic bomb?
  • The Japanese did not surrender when it was clear the US was going to win
  • The Allies issued the Postdam Declaration warning Japanese they would face utter and absolute destruction if they didn't surrender
10. Explain the importance to Hitler of Germany's 1939 non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union. Why do you suppose the Soviet Union signed it?
  • Hitler wanted Poland, but didn't want to fight the Soviets (so close to their border) so the treaty allowed them to be there, but not in full control
  • Neither power was sure whether they would win
11. Why did the government require rationing during the war?
  • The materials (like: silk, nylon, flour, & vegetables) were in short supply and by civilians not using as much it leaves more for the armed forces and allies.
12. Why did the allies focus first on the war in Europe rather than on the war in the Pacific?
  • They thought that HItler was much more of a threat to their security
13. Re-create the diagram below and compare the roles that the US played in the world affairs during the 1930s and 1940s.


  • Depression
  • Isolation
  • Amendments passed like crazy
  • Freedom of women increases

  • Economic Boost
  • Interfere in European War
  • Cautious government
  • Unity in hate of Japanese
  • Everyone on the same page

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ch. 25 ArtFest Qs

2) What did the Bonus Army want the government to do?
WWI veterans w/out jobs wanted their promised $1,000 immediately.

3) What was the New Deal?
The new laws that Congress passed during the Hundred Days
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- Agricultural Adjustment Administration
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- National Recovery Administration
- Federal Emergency Relief Administration
- Public Works Administration
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

4) How did the CCC benefit the unemployed as well as the nation?
During the next 10 years, it gave jobs to about 3 million men to work on projects that benefited the public ie planting trees to reforest areas, build levees, and improving national parks.

5) In what region was the Dust Bowl centered?
Western Kansas and Oklahoma
Northern Texas
New Mexico
Eastern Colorado

6) Summarize the advances made by African Americans and women during the Great Depression.
            - Worked more to make ends meet
            - Sewed own clothes
            - Baked own bread
            - Canned own vegetables
            - Some started home businesses
                        ~ Laundries
                        ~ Boardinghouses
African Americans:
            - Roosevelt appointed a number of African Americans to government posts
            - Continued to fight against prejudices

7) What was the purpose of the Social Security Act?
Provides monthly pensions for retired people

8) Describe two laws passed during the Second New Deal that helped workers and unions.
Works Progress Administration – gave jobs and helped the countries economy
Congress of Industrial Organizations – helped create industrial unions

9) How did the trend of buying on credit in the 1920s affect banks during the Depression?
-Small banks suffered when farmers failed to meet loan payments
-Big banks suffered losses in the stock market crash
-These losses forced thousands of banks across the nation to close

10) How did new technology help cause the Dust Bowl?
-Farmers used tractors and disc plows  (extensively) to cut millions of acre of sod for wheat farming
-They didn’t know that the roots of the grass had held the soil in place.
-During the severe drought when the crops dried up, the soil dried up as well. -Strong prairie winds blew he soil away too.

11) List two ways the federal government changed during Roosevelt’s administration.
-Tried to create more jobs for people
-Rebuilt the banking system to prevent further problems

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

1920s Political Events

Jan. 29, 1919 - The 18th Amendment
  • Prohibited the sale, transport, or consumption of alcohol
  • The National Prohibition Act commonly know as The Volstead Act was the specifications and enabling power for the 18th Amendment
  • The prohibition lead to a rise in the value of alcohol
  • Spawned organized crime gangs that were based on illegal liquor money
  • Repealed on Dec. 5, 1933
Aug. 18, 1920 - The 19th Amendment
  • Provided for woman's suffrage
  • It prohibits the denial of any US citizens right to vote based on gender
  • This new "free" woman helped usher in the era of the flapper
  • Women had protested, marched, and rallied for women's rights since the 1800s
  • Before being passed by Congress and ratified by all states, the states were a mix of whether or not women had equal voting rights
    • The western states all permitted women to vote, and it slowly got less likely as you went east and south
 1920 - Warren G Harding' Presidential Election
  • Republican candidate
  • Wins popular vote by 60%
  • Wins electoral vote by 75%
  • Considered corrupt by many historians
  • Elected his followers into high positions in the White House
  • Aug 2, 1923 dies in a hotel room of stroke
  • Vice President Coolidge becomes President after him
May 21, 1927 - Charles Lindbergh
  • Flies solo across the Atlantic
  • Becomes a national hero
  • Entire country rallies in support/proudness behind him
  • The event was not amazingly significant, but the nationalism and patriotism it inspire in America was
September 1929 - Stock Market Crash
  • The crash of the market signals the start of the Great Depression
  • A large part of the crash was due to the increase in Americans buying stock
  • Investors purchased large amount of stock on credit, then when the realization that all the stocks were inflated, they began to loos value rapidly
  • The over-extension of many people financially led to a loss of jobs
    • The boss couldn't afford to hire people and even fired workers
    • Factory and construction industry and jobs were said to be hit the hardest

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ch. 24 Qs

10) What is installment buying?

     -Consumers could buy products by promising to pay small amounts over a period of time. 

11) What did Charles Lindbergh accomplish?
     -First person to fly alone across the Atlantic

12) Name three important jazz musicians.
     -Bessie Smith
     -Louis Armstrong
     -Duke Ellington

13) How was the Red Scare used to turn the public against unions?
     -Newspapers accused strikers of being "Red agitators"
     -Accusation of communism lost the strikes their needed support from the public ie making them stop striking
14) How did President Harding feel about the League of Nations?
     -He thought it wasn't wise to join. He wanted peace, but didn't want America in the League of Nations. 

15) What new forms of entertainment were available to the American people in the 1920s as a result of new technology?
     -Movies - first silent and then 'talkies'
     -Tabloid-style newspapers
     -Large-circulation magazines
     -Phonograph records
     -Sports - baseball, football, boxing
Crossword puzzles
Contests - flagpole sitting, dance marathons
Miss America Pageant

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WWI Questions

1) What ideas or ideologies lead to World War I beginning? 
            -The allies being a safe route idea
            -The military techniques that were behind the actual weapons

2) Outline the specific events in 1914 that led to a World War.
-A Serbian named Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke/Crown Prince of Austro-Hungarian Empire Franz Ferdinand
-6/28~A-H (after talking w/ ally Germany) declared war on Serbia because (officially) of the assassination
            -7/28~Russia (Serbian ally) entered the war to protect Serbia
            -8/1~Germany (A-H ally) declared war on Russia
            -8/3~Germany (A-H ally) declared war on France (Russian ally)
            -8/4~Germany invaded Belgium to get to France
            -8/4~Britain (Belgium ally) declared war on Germany
            -8/6~A-H (German ally) declared war on Russia
            -8/12~France & Britain (Russian ally) declared war on A-H

3) What advancements in technology help create massive causalities?
            -Many of the countries were uneven in their level of technology
-The techniques and technology didn’t match
-Not including gas masks in equipment at beginning of war
                        -Leading charges against machine gun fire

4) How did the forming of alliances increase the likelihood of war?
            -It forced one nation to honor it’s commitments to another. By targeting one country, you are inadvertently threatening it’s allies.

5) List the Allies and the Central Powers during the war.

Monte Negro



6) Explain how world in Europe brought an economic boom for the United States.

-We went through Mobilization – a gathering of resources and the preparations for war
-The need for the US to supply their European allies w/ food, weapons created a new industry. This war-time industry created jobs.

7) Briefly discuss the importance of the following battles: Marne, Verdun, Somme, Gallipoli, Argonne Forest.
                        -Ally victory
                        -Ended Germany’s march toward Paris
                        -Objective: Germany wanted to capture Paris
                        -21 Feb – 18 Dec, 1914
                        -698,000 battlefield deaths
                        -French/Ally victory
                        -Germans attacked along Verdun river
-Objective: To capture Verdun, which area contained many forts and strongholds
                        -1 July – 18 November, 1916
                        -500,000 dead
                        -1 million + casualties
                        -Objective: Relieve pressure on French forces in Verdun
-Captured about 7 miles into German territory, but w/ huge losses
-Considered a technical Ally victory, but the cost was so much some think it more a draw
                        -Fought in Gallipoli in the Ottoman Empire
                        -Turkish/Central victory
-Objective: Allies wanted to keep/get an effective supply route to Russia
-Argonne Forest
                        -US&France/Ally victory
-French & American’s joined forces
-372nd Infantry Division form 93rd Infantry Division (African-American) credited w/
            -Capturing 600 enemy prisoners
-Capturing 15 heavy guns, 20 Minenwerfers, and about 150 machine guns
-Objective: To capture the train statrion at Sedan which would cut off German’s supplies to their troops in France & Belium

8) Who was the U.S. General in Command during the war?
            -John J Pershing

9) Write three questions of your own based on information that you found interesting in these sections.
            -How did the industrial Revolution affect the war?
-What laws/regulations/restrictions did the US put on anti-war protesters and people?
-What did Woodrow Wilson’s wife share with him while he was recovering from his stroke?

Pg. 692 questions 5-17.

5) Why did European nations form alliances?
-To increase trade and influence and to have a more powerful political position internationally.

6) Why did Zimmermann telegram push the US toward war?
-The US was outraged that Germany would promise something that the US owned to Mexico. Plus, they were neutral to Germany so it was a push in the other direction.

7) What was the Sussex Pledge?
            -Germany pledged not to target passenger ships
-Not to attack merchant ships unless it is confirmed to contain war supplies           
-Not to sink merchant ships w/out providing for safety and care of passengers & crew

8) Who won the presidency in the election of 1916?
            -Woodrow Wilson

9) How did Russia's withdrawal affect WWI?
-The Allies need the troops to replace Russian ones
-Allowed Germans to shuffle  hundreds of  thousands of people from eastern front to western front (France)

10) In what ways did the war help improve conditions for American workers?
            -Women now got equal pay and rights in workplace
-Rights to: 8 hour workday, extra pay for overtime, right to form unions
            -Now the people couldn’t go on strike

11) Who were the leaders at the Paris Peace Conference?
            -Woodrow Wilson
-David Lloyd George
-Georges Clemenceau
-Vitorio Orlando

12) What was Henry Cabot Lodge's greatest concern about the League of Nations?
-The US’s military and power would be directed by other nations

13) What advantages did airplanes provide in the war?
            -They could spy on the enemy’s movements
            -Allowed for bombs to be dropped accurately and easily

14) How did President Wilson use Russia's revolution in
March 1917 to gain support for the war?
            -He could now claim that the Allies were fighting a war of democracy against autocracy

15) What four nations dominated the Paris Peace Conference?

16)Re-create the diagram below and explain the causes of the labor shortage in the US during the war.
            -Lack of able men not in the military
            -A growing need for supplies and weapons
            Both Equal a labor shortage

17) On a separate sheet of paper, prepare an outline of Section 5 of the text.
1.    Searching for Peace
a.    After the War
                                                                i.     Europe Chaos
1.    27 World Leaders gather in Paris for the Peace Conference
2.   European people were enthusiastic about Wilson and his visit
3.   Europe was in ruins
a.    Much land and farms destroyed
b.   France, Russia, Germany, and A-H each lost 1-2 million people in fighting
c.    Millions more were wounded
d.   50,000 US killed in battle, 60,000 from disease
e.    Political turmoil
                                                              ii.     Wilson’s 14 Points
1.    Several were about new political/land boundaries in Europe
2.   3 concerned nation self-determination or democracy
3.   Principles for conducting international trade relations
4.   Last Point – League of Nation
a.    The members (nations) part of this organization would help preserve peace and prevent future wars by pledging to respect and protect each others’ territory  and political independence
b.   Problem arose with this due to self interest between nations
b.   The Peace Conference
1.    The Allies dominated at PPC (Paris Peace Conference)
2.   Big Wigs of Negotiations
a.    US – Woodrow Wilson
b.   UK – David Lloyd George
c.    France – Georges Clemenceau
d.   Italy – Vitorio Orlando
                                                              ii.     Allies Disagree
1.    Leaders weren’t excited about Wilson’s 14 pts
2.   Allies, minus Wilson, especially France, wanted to punish Germany
3.   Allies sent troops to Russia to support anti-Bolshevik fighters who were Communist
                                                            iii.     The Treaty of Versailles
1.    Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war
a.    Billions of dollars in reparations to Allies
b.   Had to disarm completely
c.    Had to give up all overseas countries and some Euro territory
2.   Treaty carved up A-H and part of Russia; however borders were a troublesome issue
3.   League of Nations was accepted
c.    Opposition at Home
1.    America was doubtful of treaty
a.    Some thought too harsh on Germany
b.   Worried about participation in League of Nations
c.    Wilson went to rally America for it but suffered a stroke and his wife took over
2.   Treaty is Rejected
a.    America instead signed individual peace treaties with each of the Central Powers
b.   Never joined LN