Monday, April 16, 2012

Ch. 25 ArtFest Qs

2) What did the Bonus Army want the government to do?
WWI veterans w/out jobs wanted their promised $1,000 immediately.

3) What was the New Deal?
The new laws that Congress passed during the Hundred Days
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- Agricultural Adjustment Administration
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- National Recovery Administration
- Federal Emergency Relief Administration
- Public Works Administration
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

4) How did the CCC benefit the unemployed as well as the nation?
During the next 10 years, it gave jobs to about 3 million men to work on projects that benefited the public ie planting trees to reforest areas, build levees, and improving national parks.

5) In what region was the Dust Bowl centered?
Western Kansas and Oklahoma
Northern Texas
New Mexico
Eastern Colorado

6) Summarize the advances made by African Americans and women during the Great Depression.
            - Worked more to make ends meet
            - Sewed own clothes
            - Baked own bread
            - Canned own vegetables
            - Some started home businesses
                        ~ Laundries
                        ~ Boardinghouses
African Americans:
            - Roosevelt appointed a number of African Americans to government posts
            - Continued to fight against prejudices

7) What was the purpose of the Social Security Act?
Provides monthly pensions for retired people

8) Describe two laws passed during the Second New Deal that helped workers and unions.
Works Progress Administration – gave jobs and helped the countries economy
Congress of Industrial Organizations – helped create industrial unions

9) How did the trend of buying on credit in the 1920s affect banks during the Depression?
-Small banks suffered when farmers failed to meet loan payments
-Big banks suffered losses in the stock market crash
-These losses forced thousands of banks across the nation to close

10) How did new technology help cause the Dust Bowl?
-Farmers used tractors and disc plows  (extensively) to cut millions of acre of sod for wheat farming
-They didn’t know that the roots of the grass had held the soil in place.
-During the severe drought when the crops dried up, the soil dried up as well. -Strong prairie winds blew he soil away too.

11) List two ways the federal government changed during Roosevelt’s administration.
-Tried to create more jobs for people
-Rebuilt the banking system to prevent further problems

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

1920s Political Events

Jan. 29, 1919 - The 18th Amendment
  • Prohibited the sale, transport, or consumption of alcohol
  • The National Prohibition Act commonly know as The Volstead Act was the specifications and enabling power for the 18th Amendment
  • The prohibition lead to a rise in the value of alcohol
  • Spawned organized crime gangs that were based on illegal liquor money
  • Repealed on Dec. 5, 1933
Aug. 18, 1920 - The 19th Amendment
  • Provided for woman's suffrage
  • It prohibits the denial of any US citizens right to vote based on gender
  • This new "free" woman helped usher in the era of the flapper
  • Women had protested, marched, and rallied for women's rights since the 1800s
  • Before being passed by Congress and ratified by all states, the states were a mix of whether or not women had equal voting rights
    • The western states all permitted women to vote, and it slowly got less likely as you went east and south
 1920 - Warren G Harding' Presidential Election
  • Republican candidate
  • Wins popular vote by 60%
  • Wins electoral vote by 75%
  • Considered corrupt by many historians
  • Elected his followers into high positions in the White House
  • Aug 2, 1923 dies in a hotel room of stroke
  • Vice President Coolidge becomes President after him
May 21, 1927 - Charles Lindbergh
  • Flies solo across the Atlantic
  • Becomes a national hero
  • Entire country rallies in support/proudness behind him
  • The event was not amazingly significant, but the nationalism and patriotism it inspire in America was
September 1929 - Stock Market Crash
  • The crash of the market signals the start of the Great Depression
  • A large part of the crash was due to the increase in Americans buying stock
  • Investors purchased large amount of stock on credit, then when the realization that all the stocks were inflated, they began to loos value rapidly
  • The over-extension of many people financially led to a loss of jobs
    • The boss couldn't afford to hire people and even fired workers
    • Factory and construction industry and jobs were said to be hit the hardest

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ch. 24 Qs

10) What is installment buying?

     -Consumers could buy products by promising to pay small amounts over a period of time. 

11) What did Charles Lindbergh accomplish?
     -First person to fly alone across the Atlantic

12) Name three important jazz musicians.
     -Bessie Smith
     -Louis Armstrong
     -Duke Ellington

13) How was the Red Scare used to turn the public against unions?
     -Newspapers accused strikers of being "Red agitators"
     -Accusation of communism lost the strikes their needed support from the public ie making them stop striking
14) How did President Harding feel about the League of Nations?
     -He thought it wasn't wise to join. He wanted peace, but didn't want America in the League of Nations. 

15) What new forms of entertainment were available to the American people in the 1920s as a result of new technology?
     -Movies - first silent and then 'talkies'
     -Tabloid-style newspapers
     -Large-circulation magazines
     -Phonograph records
     -Sports - baseball, football, boxing
Crossword puzzles
Contests - flagpole sitting, dance marathons
Miss America Pageant